Shipping Policy Update

Púkaw Coffee Tools would like to announce the new scheme in shipping fees. The changes are inclined towards mitigating increased operating costs while balancing the benefits coffee lovers may receive. The new scheme features a standard rate and a reduced rate shipping. Free shipping, as many of our caffeinated brothers and sisters have enjoyed, will not be included in the new scheme. 

The table below shows the new scheme:

Area Order Value Reduced Rate Standard Rate
NCR up to 2,500
2,501 up
₱125 -
up to 3,000
3,001 up
up to 3,500
3,501 up


We know that free shipping has already been carved in the heart of our online shopping culture. To fulfill that, free shipping and other discounts will come as a coupon or a discount code that anyone can find in our social media posts, stories, or website banner. The first 5 coffee persons to apply the code upon checkout shall enjoy the reward. This will be on a weekly basis.

We greatly appreciate everyone for your love and support! We will always do our best to serve you better.